About Us

Hello, I’m Louis Armenta DeLombre, and my passion for creativity started with a simple gift from my mother—a pen. Ever since childhood, I haven't stopped writing or drawing, and that passion has evolved into a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and designers through innovative education and design solutions. At LearnGD, we believe that great design can transform businesses, inspire people, and create lasting impressions.

Our Story

From the moment I first held that pen, I knew that creativity would be my lifelong pursuit. Over the years, this passion has grown into a professional career spanning nearly 30 years in graphic design. Today, Armenta Studios encompasses various specialized programs, including the Creative Conductor Program, the Graphic Designers Program, and the Digital Designers Program. Each of these programs is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the ever-evolving world of design and digital production. Whether you are a business, non-profit, school, higher education institution, government entity, or an individual designer, our courses are tailored to meet your unique needs and help you achieve your creative and professional goals.

Our Programs

The "Creative Conductor Program" is our flagship offering, combining the best of both the Graphic Designers Program and the Digital Designers Program for a powerful and comprehensive learning experience. This program is designed to help you master both business and design, driving success by merging these roles. You'll learn everything from creating impactful branding kits and designing professional websites to mastering video production and social media marketing. New courses are continually developed to keep you ahead of the curve and ensure you have access to the latest tools and techniques in the industry.

The "Graphic Designers Program" focuses on traditional and digital graphic design skills. You'll learn how to create logos, branding materials, packaging, stationery, apparel, and merchandise. Our courses also cover specialized areas like book design and automotive wrap graphic design, ensuring you have the expertise to handle a wide range of projects. By the end of the program, you'll be able to create visually stunning designs that effectively communicate your brand's message and values.

The "Digital Designers Program" is designed for those who want to excel in the digital realm. You'll learn to create captivating social media graphics, videos, and audio content. Our courses include photography and video branding, magazine and newsletter design, and advanced techniques for digital assembly line production. Additionally, you'll master the art of vodcasting, video sales letters, and building comprehensive online systems, equipping you with the skills to produce engaging content that drives sales and captivates your audience.

At LearnGD, we are committed to providing top-quality education and empowering you to unleash your full creative potential. Join us on this journey and transform your passion for design into a thriving career or business. Let's create something amazing together!

Video Poster Image

Our Journey: From Pen to Passion

Discover the inspiring story of LearnGD in our Origin Poster. It all began with a simple gift—a pen—that sparked a lifelong journey of creativity for Louis Armenta DeLombre. From childhood doodles to nearly 30 years of professional graphic design and digital design, this timeline showcases our evolution into a powerhouse of innovative education and design solutions. Join us as we recount the milestones, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped our mission to bridge the gap between businesses and designers, transforming ideas into impactful realities.